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DNS Domains

The DNS Domains tab is used to manage domains and DNS records.

To add a new domain, enter the domain name in the field and click the Add Domain button. The created domain will appear below in the list of domain names.
To delete a domain, select the DNS domain and click the Delete button.


Removing a DNS domain is irreversible. Once removed, all associated virtual machines will become inaccessible by their hostnames.

DNS Records

Users can add and remove domains, and create the following types of DNS records:

  • A records are used to link a domain to the server's IP address, typically for IPv4 addresses.
  • AAAA records also link a domain to the server's IP address but are used for IPv6 addresses.
  • CNAME records map subdomains to the canonical name of the domain or another domain, linking one name to another.
  • TXT records contain any text information about the domain and are mainly used for verification purposes, linking text to a name.
  • SRV records define the location (name, port number) of servers for specific services.
  • MX records identify the mail servers responsible for receiving email on behalf of the user's domain, along with priority values, in case the provider has multiple mail servers for redundancy.
  • NS records specify the DNS servers that provide DNS services for the user's domain. These can be used to create subzones if the user needs to route part of their traffic to a different DNS service.

Creating DNS Records

To create any of the DNS records (A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, SRV, MX, NS), follow these steps:

  1. Click on the DNS Domain for which you want to create the DNS record;
  2. Select the appropriate tab (A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, SRV, MX, NS);
  3. Enter the required information;
  4. Click Add.

Depending on the selected DNS record type, users will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Record Name;
  • IPv4/IPv6 - the server's IP address in either IPv4 or IPv6 format (used for A and AAAA records);
  • TTL (seconds) - the time-to-live value, or how long the record should be cached, in seconds;
  • Hostname - the server name (used for CNAME records);
  • Text to link a text string to a name (used for TXT records);
  • Mail Server Hostname or IP - the IP address or hostname (used for MX records);
  • Priority of the target host, with lower values indicating higher preference (used for MX and SRVrecords);

For SRV records:

  • Target Hostname - the canonical name of the machine providing the service;
  • Port - the TCP or UDP port on which the service operates;
  • Weight - the relative weight used to balance load for records with the same priority.

A DNS record can be deleted by clicking the Delete button on the right.

Roles and permissions

Action Member Admin Billing Operator Owner
View Domains
Add Domain
Delete Domain only own only own
View DNS Records
Add DNS Record
Delete DNS Records only own only own