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A message broker is a software component that acts as an intermediary between various components of a distributed system. Brokers can be created and modified using SCDC Message Queue API operations or the Brokers tab.
Using the sidebar menu, the user can edit and delete brokers.

Brokers statuses

Depending on ongoing processes, brokers can have different statuses:

Status Description
Creating the broker is being created (during its creation, the broker is unavailable)
Stopped the broker instance has been stopped
Deleting the broker is being deleted
Available the broker is healthy and available
Maintenance SCDC Message Queue is applying a maintenance update to the broker
Modifying the broker instance is being modified based on the client's request
Starting the broker is starting up
Storage-full the broker has reached its storage capacity allocation limit. This is a critical status, and if it occurs, it is recommended to resolve the issue immediately. To do this, you need to increase the storage scale by changing it in the broker settings.

Broker creation

To create a broker, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Brokers tab;
  2. Click New Broker;
  3. In the modal window, fill in the information necessary for creating the broker.

    Broker Information:

    • Name of the broker in the account;
    • Engine - select the engine for the broker being created (ActiveMQ/RabbitMQ);
    • Version - select the version/release of the chosen broker engine;
    • Master user name;
    • Master password.

    Resource Configuration:

    • CPU - number of CPU cores for the broker;
    • RAM - amount of RAM allocated for the broker;
    • Disk type;
    • Disk size - storage volume for the database.

    Network and Security:

    • Subnet or network in which the message queue broker will be deployed. This determines the network environment and connection parameters for the broker.
    • Security group for the broker. Security groups manage incoming and outgoing traffic for the broker, allowing you to define access rules and permissions.

    The user can also select Public access for the broker. Public access allows connections from the internet, and disabling it restricts access to specified networks or subnets.


    Take security measures when deciding to enable public access.

    Broker Configuration: At this step, you need to select a configuration for the broker being created.


    If a specific configuration is required for the new broker, create a new configuration in the Configurations tab before creating the broker.

    Broker Protection and Maintenance:

    • Delete protection - when the broker protection is selected, it cannot be deleted without editing this parameter;
    • Maintenance window - the period during which scheduled changes or maintenance will be applied to the broker.
  4. Click Create.

The created broker will be displayed in the Brokers tab.

After clicking on the created broker, the user has access to a summary of broker information with details. The Stop button to pause the broker's operation is available only when the broker status is Available. If the broker has a Stopped status, the Start button will be available to resume the broker's operation.

The user can edit the broker by clicking the Edit Broker button. Deleting the broker is also available using the Delete button.


Delete action is irreversible.

Roles and Permissions

Action Member Admin Billing Operator Owner
Create Broker
Edit Broker only own only own
Stop/Start Broker only own only own
Delete Broker only own only own